As Levi's continues to raise the bar with their content, it truly becomes an honor to be their music partner on films like this one from FCB. A simple concept, showcasing the difference ordinary people can make by showing the courage to use their voice, this spot required an inspiring and moving song to tell such an important story of empowerment. This ended up being one of the deeper dives we've been asked to do, but it was well worth it, as we managed to find what ended up feeling like the only song that could have worked for this film. 'Battlecry' comes to us from up-and-coming artist, Jordan Mackampa, a native of the Congo, who grew up on the streets of London. His soulful and poetic vocal paired with a relentless and raw backbeat, provides the exact sentiment we were searching for. And, of course, we couldn't be happier to help expose this incredible artist's work to more people throughout the world. 

Matt D